Tuesday, April 24, 2018

elektrogeräte verkaufen

Electronic waste or e-waste is a term used to describe all manner of electronic gadgets and equipment, for example TVs, radios, refrigerators, microwaves, electronic watches, computers, printers, scanners, cameras, laptops, light bulbs, cell phones and their accompanying peripherals that are rendered unusable for one reason or another and end up being dumped into the environment.

Why recycle electronic waste?

It is becoming a common trend to recycle electronic waste instead of just disposing it because first, this ensures that resources in the environment are reasonably and cost-effectively conserved. This is because some of the parts and components of electronic waste are usually reusable, for example plastic parts, metals in the micro-circuit boards, glass in the cathode ray tubes and so on.

Secondly, electronic waste is one of the main causes of environmental pollution. Apart from visual pollution some of the parts and components of the electronics, for example cathode ray tubes, contain harmful substances like lead which if left haphazardly in the environment may find their way into human consumption leading to ill effects on health. Recycling thus stops this from happening and goes a step towards creating a cleaner environment less prone to the risk of harmful substance exposure to humans.

The Electronic Waste Recycling Process

Electronic waste is generally recycled in a two step process; sorting and treatment.

Sorting is the thorough separation of the mass of electronic waste into distinct material categories, for example: plastics, metals, glass, wood, rubber and so on. Another way of sorting is according to particular components which undergo a particular treatment, for example: hard disks, cathode ray tubes, mother-boards, cell-phone circuitry, camera lenses, batteries, flash disks, CDs, DVDs, cables, switches, processors and so on.

Treatment is the actual processing of the groups or categories of sorted electronic waste, usually by different processing entities for each category of material or component.

E-waste processing methods

Plastics are melted down and remade into other useful articles.

Glass from cathode ray tubes is usually reused in making of new cathode ray tube monitors. (Cathode ray tubes contain high amounts of lead which is highly toxic.)

Mercury, a prevalent toxic substance is usually extracted and reused in dental practice while phosphorus obtained from bulbs is used to make fertilizer.

Wood from older generation electronics (speakers, radios and television sets) is usually shredded and used in agriculture or to make fuel material.

Component parts like hard disks which are made of aluminium are smelted and the resultant metal ingots used in making vehicle parts.

There are also certain machine parts that are expressly sent back to the manufacturer for recycling, for example printer toner cartridges. Here we see that recycling does not necessarily mean actively doing the treatment of the electronic waste, but may also be about categorizing and sending off the components back to the manufacturer (for those manufacturers who recycle).

Some metals such as barium are extracted via electrolysis and reused. Likewise extracted nickel and cadmium are reused in the making of fortified steels and dry cells.

elektrogeräte verkaufen

Friday, April 13, 2018

cinta andadora

¿Por qué debería pagar por el montaje de la cinta de correr?

Buena pregunta. Pagar $ 1,000 o más por una cinta de correr es una factura bastante considerable. Luego debe decidir si vale la pena pagar entre $ 150 y $ 300 adicionales por ensamblaje. Muy a menudo, el envío gratuito ofrecido por muchos minoristas en cinta rodante en línea parece ser un buen negocio, ¿por qué arruinar el pago de un servicio de ensamblaje premium?

6 razones para pagar el montaje de la cinta de correr son las siguientes:

Con el ensamblaje de la cinta de correr, hay mejores posibilidades de que la cinta de correr se ensamble correctamente cuando la ensamble un profesional. Sé que no tendría ni idea si ensamblé una cinta de correr correctamente. Probablemente terminaría con pernos adicionales y otras piezas; no es una buena situación cuando corro 6 millas por hora en un cinturón que si no funciona bien podría lanzarme hacia atrás.
El montaje incluye colocar su máquina para correr en una habitación de su elección. No arruine su espalda moviendo su cinta de correr por toda su casa, especialmente escaleras arriba o abajo. La mayoría de las cintas de correr pesadas de alta calidad pesan más de 200 libras y son voluminosas.
Ahórrese la frustración de la asamblea. Para las personas manejables que les gusta juntar equipos y muebles complicados Y tener las herramientas necesarias, el ensamblaje de la cinta será divertido. Para el resto de nosotros que tememos pasar horas y perder meses de nuestra vida por el estrés del ensamblaje de la cinta rodante, el costo bien vale la pena.
Mire el costo de ensamblaje (generalmente $ 150 a $ 300) en relación con el valor de la cinta de correr. Si su cinta de correr cuesta $ 300, es probable que sea relativamente simple de armar y no garantice un costo de ensamblaje de $ 150. Sin embargo, si su cinta de correr cuesta $ 1,600, es probable que sea una máquina compleja y vale la pena gastar entre $ 150 y $ 300 adicionales para el montaje profesional.
¿Tienes las herramientas necesarias? De lo contrario, terminará gastando dinero y tiempo en herramientas que puede que nunca vuelva a usar.
Ponga en marcha su caminadora de inmediato. No hay duda de historias de personas que compraron una cinta de correr solo para tenerla en una caja durante meses.
¿Cuándo no deberías pagar el envío de la cinta de correr?

Si la compra de su cinta de correr es una cinta de correr manual liviana que cuesta menos de $ 500, entonces la entrega en la acera probablemente sea adecuada. Son más ligeros y simples de montar.
Si es muy útil y tiene todas las herramientas necesarias para montar una cinta de correr, entonces vaya por ella. Si tiene problemas para armar una estantería, le sugiero que pague el costo adicional de montaje, si compró una cinta para correr de nivel superior.
No tienes absolutamente nada de dinero.
¿Cuánto cuesta el ensamblaje de la cinta de correr?

Los costos de montaje oscilan entre $ 150 y $ 300, pero estas cifras incluyen envíos y entregas en la habitación de su elección.
cinta andadora

Thursday, April 12, 2018

tech news

First off, the word blog is the shortened "web log." Most of the time, this is maintained by a person or sometimes a group of people who consistently deliver entries of topics, events, comments and other things about a particular theme or subject. Now a technology blog is actually the same; it is a website that sends out news, commentaries, stories, events, and anything that has something to do with technology. Most of the time, it discusses breakthroughs, new inventions, upgrades, and advances on the world of technology.

A lot of entities have gone into Technology blogging or tech blogging for short. Probably the reason being information technology is all about new and progressive technology, hence, off with the traditional way of disseminating news and information and utilize technology itself as the mode of delivering advances and pertinent news in the information technology world. In this case, the ideal channel would be the internet. There is a huge number of tech blogs and they cater to specific information technology topic.

o Electronista - the latest gadgets for the information technology standard nerds
o Switched - want to hear the newest thing in layman technology? This is the site. It also includes weird and sometimes funny news related to computers and gadgets.
o Gearlog - it is similar to the tv guide but this time it is for geeks. It lists the latest gadgets and their application
o Daily Tech - a no-nonsense tech blog, made for the intellectual tech savvy people
o Epicenter - a serious look at the business side of information technology
o Silicon Valley Insider - similar to the epicenter however this blog discusses business topics and how they affect other facets of the information technology world like media and communications.
o CRAVE - this blog is a comprehensive guide to the latest computer hardware and other computer-related gadgets and reviews and comments about the performance of each
o Green Tech - the Green Peace equivalent on the information technology field. This blog takes on technologies role in keeping the earth green and environment-friendly.

tech news